I work with college students every day. Walking around campus, seeing posters about safe sex comic acts, music concerts and reading student senate meetings brings me back in time every day. In many ways, it's really nice because for so many of us, our late teens and early twenties is a blur, maybe from partying too hard or just from trying to block out a period of time filled with confusion, soul searching, self angst and worry about the future. After leaving college, I didn't step on a campus for many years. During that time, I lost my self angst, figured out who I was, and paved the way for my future. I still have to admit that when I took the job five years ago, I felt really weird coming to work each day. I felt like an impostor walking around campus; that rather than being an adult, a mentor, an advisor to the students, I was actually one of them. I was afraid that they'd see right through me and be able to tell how nervous I was about being outside my comfort zone...