School break is right around the corner and I bet all of you parents and kiddies are planning a family trip. Whether adventuring somewhere warm or simply taking a long weekend in the hills, it's important to be prepared and have the right attitude. I recently sat down with one of most well known family travelers, who puts the "What the FU..." in family fun. Feel free to take notes on the Travel Top 10 from Handy Andy. 10: Don't set an Estimated Time of Departure. Keep your options open. Not setting a specific time to leave makes your kids more excitable and agitated, which is exactly the temperament you'd like your children to have before locking them in a moving box for hours on end. 9: Make sure to pack snacks for the ride. Like chocolate frosted donuts. 8: Nothing makes a long car ride better than asking the family to play the "quiet game" while you participate in a conference call. 7: It's not about the destination. It's about the jo...