Today was just another blizzard condition day in UpState New York. I'm pretty sure I saw Puxatawney Phil roadside building a snowman as we crawled home from work. As the wind shield wipers creaked rhythmically back and forth, we listened to NPR's " Frrrressh Air!"-today's broadcast an interview with a writer and his son who is a recovering meth - amphetamine addict. During one part of the interview the father described a brain aneurysm he had amidst his son's drug addiction. While he could not remember his own name, he repeatedly asked the nurses to call his son to make sure he was ok . When he could remember almost nothing about himself and his life, this father knew was he was a parent and his child needed him. When all he had was pure instinct, his inner parent became more prominent than his own identity. If I meet a new daycare staff member I often skip my name entirely and introduce myself as " Caroline's mom". Why do I need a n...