This is my confession. I've been thinking through this post for a long time. Finding the right words has been challenging and I hope that I can do justice to this message. The world is a mysterious and magical place. I believe in fate. I believe that the universe speaks to us, if we are willing to listen. Yes, we must listen. If we listen very closely, we can hear messages. Very important messages. Messages from very important people. I don't remember when I got my first message. It may have been in college. College is a tough time, full of end-of-teen/not-yet-an adult angst and studying, studying, and more studying. For me to study my best, I need music. I know it's odd but stuff seems to sink in when I'm listening to music. Music helps me focus. Music like that of the great Phil Collins. To me, it's not a cooincidence that I hear Phil at least every day. And no, it's not because I have all of his albums downloaded on my ipod or that I have a Phil Collin...