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Showing posts from November, 2017

Holiday Letters- in Two Versions!

I don’t know about you but I love a good holiday letter. Nothing sends me into a tailspin of self doubt and depression like reading the carefully crafted story of the highs and accomplishments of those in my life. As the letters flow in, alongside the photos of the beautiful smiling faces of my loved ones, I curl up under a warm blanket, look out at the bleak, gray winter skies and think: what the fu#k is wrong with me? We are so fortunate, due to modern technological advances, to be able to experience this self doubt an average of 20-50 times per day as we addictively scroll a variety of social media channels. Yet nothing truly confirms our own personal inadequacies like a yearly summary of others’ successes and happiness neatly packed in an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of paper, folded in thirds and slipped into an envelope alongside a card collage of beach shots, matching sweaters and smiling, happy faces. I, too, have sent along such letters to accompany our smiling happy faces, providing t...

An Open "PM" to Polly

Hey Polly, it’s me- Melissa. Can I call you Polly? Because I feel like I know you. Do I know you? We’ve been in the same social media circles for many months now. I see from your profile that you went to Cornell. I have a lot of friends that graduated from there. It’s an awesome school. What year did you graduate? I also see that you’re self-employed. I really respect entrepreneurs, particularly female entrepreneurs. What’s your business? Are you a photographer because your Facebook profile picture of Doubleday Field is fantastic. I see that you don’t have any Facebook friends, Polly. I understand that. Are you lonely? It can be really lonely around here. Listen Polly, this election got really nasty but at the end of the day are all neighbors right? Do you want to meet, do you want to talk about it? Haven’t seen you on social media since the election. I totally get where you’re coming from, Polly. It’s been hard for me, too. When you put yourself out there with really strong opinio...

He Said. She Said. They Said. Silence.

Don’t run I said. It gets nasty I said. Don’t worry he said. It will be fine he said. I always worry I said. He’s not the best person for the job they said. He’s always late they said. He never goes to meetings they said. This is ridiculous I said. Are you going to put up with this bullshit I said. It’s not a big deal he said. Ignore them he said. I can’t help but call them out I said. Tell Your wife to shut up they said. Keep your wife under control they said. It doesn’t bother me I said. I’ll laugh it off I said. He’s not doing a good job they said. He’s not there for us they said. He supports Osama Bin Laden they said. This isn’t funny I said. Aren’t you pissed I said. Yes, it’s crazy he said. It’ll be ok he said. Don’t trust your “friends” he said. He’s the life lock dentist they said. This is insane I said. This hurts I said. I want this to be over he said. This is politics they said. Grow thicker skin they said. I don't understand why I said. ...